Friday, March 5, 2010

Guess What!!!!

I`m posting! Wow! To all of my family, friends, and fans out there I`d like to say hello... It is quite obvious to all of you that at this point I am not dead I am just in a world full of computers and LOTS of work that needs to be done on them. Don`t be discouraged though, I`m sure most of you will hear all the stories when I get back! Just wait about two more months okay?

Monday, August 24, 2009

An Adventure Sample

Here is a small sample of adventures that I´ve had so far that I hope to elaborate on later but I´ve got to write them down now so I don´t forget!

1. I watched Dr. Mike cut a piece of melanoma off of a lady´s face for a biopsy.
2. So far I´ve been able to give 4 butt shots and 1 arm
3. I killed a poisonous snake with a machete
4. I can now start an IV
5. I watched Dr. Mathews take a massive tumor out of a woman´s hip.
6. Dr. Mike let me help him diagnose a few patients! (Thanks mike! Become a famous doctor so you can write me a recommendation some day, haha!)
7. My 1st time driving a motorcycle more than 100 yards I went into the middle of the city, which i had never visited, to find a post office that I had never been to before.
8. we own a monkey! His name is George... pictures soon to come!

More Adventures to come! (And pictures I promise!)
Stay posted!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Feature Numero Uno!

So... i decided that every time I get the chance to blog I´m going to include a feature which will introduce you to someone in my life that is super special to me and that i´ve taken a bit of time to write about. Here´s the first go!

I believe that my energy comes from her. She once told my brother and I that she used to practice dancing with her younger brother in her front yard. I love her passion. Her love fore life, for God and especially for family has always inspired me and has shown me so much of what´s important in life. This wonderful woman is my mother, Eleanor Yvette Vizcarra. She´s made my life run for almost 20 years now. I admit, I am a spoiled child and probably more spoiled that I can comprehend. Mom cooks, serves, then does the dishes. She´ll clean my room, make my bed, give me money, buy me clothes even when I don´t want them, she loves to love me. there will never be a day where I can say that I have given to her as much as she has dedicated to my life.
My mom has spirit. She loves art, it makes her ´´ooo´´ and ´´aaa´´´and gasp. She takes time to enjoy the beautiful things of life. As a child she danced and cheered her way through life. Now she collects art, and listens to music. Some of my best childhood memories occured in a small christmas/art gallery that my mom owned for three years.
This is a SMALL glimpse of a woman that has made all the difference in my life. You should get to know her... you won´t regret it :)

A few first impressions...


So what´s it like to be a missionary? You know I´m not so sure I could tell you at this point... Getting her and getting going was quite the crash course, though a full nights rest last night has helped so much. I´m incredibly excited to get to know all these people more. It is a strage thing walking into a group of people who have already been here for two week. I already feel slightly ´´american´´ when I´m around them, which shows just how well everyone assimulates themselves here. Yesterday started slightly late for me since I was told to get atleast a few hours of sleep. Later i got to help lay cement for next week´s clinic sit. It was really nice to do some good ´ol manual labor as well as meet the guys. After a long day the Sabbath was upon us and a bonfire was made. We sat around, talked, sang songs, and had worship. Nights are beautiful here in Peru and surprisingly the heat isn´t that unbearable...yet! I´m excited to start this next week and to begin really working .But for now it´s Sabbath, my 1st Sabbath in fact. Time to go learn some Spanish hymns!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In the beginning...

So here's the start friends and family! I am officially "off" to Peru. Right now I'm experiencing a new phenomenon called Wi-Fi on an airplane! You heard it right folks I am on a flight to Atlanta and with my newly purchased 24 hour internet ticket I can sit here and write my first blog. Previously I wondered whether paying large sums of money for a small amount of internet was petty and all too American, but because I'm making a habit of staying in contact with ya'll and because I won't be seeing most of you in person for the next 10-11 months I figured I'd give in. The adventure has been interesting thus far, it feels like I'm going back to school! I'm landing in Atlanta which is a regular hub for Southern students to catch a shuttle and head back to "happy valley" Collegedale, Tennessee. Do you know what I find slightly ridiculous? Having to buy food on an airplane... That seems quite terrible to me. So far I've tried to call some friends to say goodbye. Of course I left this to the last minute because my name is Andrew Vizcarra and whoever knows me can tell you that "last minuteness" is implied when my name is mentioned. Did you know that one "implies" only if he or she is the one speaking or communicating. The others who are listening can "infer" or deduce from this comment. It's a fine line between "infer" and "imply" just remember that. So to all my friends and my family I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you so much for your support, love, encouragement, and faith. You all mean more to me than you know. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed and hopefully entertained as my adventure unfolds. Hmmmm the cheese plate does look pretty tempting I must say.... maybe the Turkey Cobb sandwich?

p.s. visit to see what in the world I'm doing down here! ;)